Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Data analysis. From sample to meaningful data

The aim of the seminar is to introduce participants to NGS technologies and give them the opportunity to familiarize themselves with wet lab protocols as well as data analysis tools. Focus will be given in diagnostic (cancer panels) and personalized medicine (Whole exome sequencing) applications

The seminar is divided in three parts:
- Introduction to NGS technologies
- Wet lab workflows: From sample to raw data
- Bioinformatics analysis: The precision medicine paradigm

During the seminar, participants will have the opportunity to get familiar with the principles of cutting edge NGS technologies, get acquainted with the experimental workflow of nucleic acid sequencing, and have a hands-on demonstration on NGS DNA data analysis, with the primary focus on identifying potentially pathogenic mutations.


Seminar room 1, Foundation for Research & Technology-Hellas (FORTH)


Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas


Basic bioinformatics courses
Scientific Software

Target Audience: 

PhD students
Undergraduate students