An introduction to the Galaxy platform for computational biology


This three hour tutorial aims at presenting an overview of the Galaxy Platform and the way it can be used by biologists or bioinformaticians for constructing working workflows. The first part of the event (1st hour) includes:

a) A short introducing the platform and the respective ecosystem,
b) A quick description of the provided Web UI,
c) Simple guidelines presenting the steps to install Galaxy in a local environment.

The second part (2nd & 3rd hours) of this events includes practical examples, where, the platform will be used in action to construct and execute three indicative workflow examples. These examples are:
(1) Alignment and Variant Calling,
(2) Variant Filtering and
(3) Variant Annotation.

During this part, all the participants will be able to use the platform themselves by reproducing the presented steps and get in touch with the platform. For this purpose you are kindly asked to bring your own laptop. At the end of the tutorial, a short questionnaire will be handed to you that will provide valuable feedback and will help us improve this tutorial in the future. Also the complete material (notes, slides) will be made available online.


Heraklion, Crete, Greece


Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas


Basic bioinformatics courses

Target Audience: 

PhD students
Undergraduate students