Kickoff meeting on 18/05/2018!

The Greek ELIXIR National Node addresses the needs of the Greek life sciences research community and other stakeholders of the public and the private sector for open, integrated and state-of-the-art bioinformatics and biocomputing resources.
ELIXIR unites Europe’s leading life science organisations in managing and safeguarding the increasing volume of data being generated by publicly funded research. It coordinates, integrates and sustains bioinformatics resources across its member states and enables users in academia and industry to access services that are vital for their research.

Four keynote speakers:

  • Niklas Blomberg, Director ELIXIR EUROPE: "ELIXIR: The European research infrastructure for life-science data”
  • Jiri Vondrasek, Head of Node ELIXIR-Czech Republic: Title TBA
  • Christine Durinx, Deputy Head of Node ELIXIR-SWITZERLAND: "SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics - Empowering advances in life sciences and health since 1998"
  • Panayiotis Tsanakas, Chairman & CEO of GRNET SA: "Greek Research and Technology Network - Advanced ΙΤ Services for ELIXIR"

Participants are kindly requested apply until the 14th of May here.

You can view the agenda and all slides here: